New Professional Package – Perfectly Tailored to Your Needs

September 4, 2024

Chrono24's Professional package ensures that your dealer package is always perfectly adapted to your current business needs by dynamically adjusting the size of your package as you go. This enables you to do business on our marketplace efficiently and flexibly.

Basis for Adjustment

At the end of each month, we calculate your average number of active listings over the last 30 days and use your highest daily number of active listings to determine the right package size. This average forms the basis for possible adjustments to your package size.

Package size

Number of active listings

Package price

Up to 25 watches 0–27 €199
Up to 50 watches 28–55 €369
Up to 75 watches 56–82 €499
Up to 100 watches 83–110 €629
Up to 150 watches 111–165 €829
Up to 250 watches 166–275 €1.069
Up to 350 watches 276–385 €1.299
Up to 500 watches 386–550 €1,549
Up to 700 watches 551–770 €1,899
Up to 1.000 watches 771–1,100 €2,199

Want to list more than 1,000 watches? Please reach out to your personal contact.

Automatic Upscaling

If your average number of active listings exceeded your current package by more than 10% over the last 30 days, we’ll email you. The email will notify you of the overage and a possible package size adjustment at the end of the following month if the overage continues.

You have two weeks to lodge an objection with your personal contact. In this case, your average number of active listings must be reduced to match the size of the your current package.

If your average number of listings continues to exceed the number allowed by your current package the following month, we will adjust the package size to match your number of active listings.

If there is no further overage the following month, you will remain in your booked package size.

Automatic Downscaling

If youraverage number of active listings over the last 30 days falls within the range of a smaller package size, we’ll email you. The email will notify you of the underage and a possible package size adjustment at the end of the following month if the underage continues. If you’re planning to list more watches again soon, please reach out to your personal contact so that you can stay with your current package.

If your average number of active listings continues to fall within the range of a smaller package size the following month, we will adjust the package size to match your number of active listings.

If your average number of active listings does not fall within the range of a smaller package size the following month, you will remain in your booked package size.

The following example illustrates the various scenarios:

Do you have any questions or suggestions? We'd be happy to help. Please don't hesitate to call or email your personal contact.

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