Update: Handling Time

We are continuously optimizing buying and selling processes on our platform in order to make doing business on Chrono24 more reliable. That’s why we have changed the existing availability settings.
In the course of this optimization, we introduced a new setting: handling time. You can find more information about the new availability settings here.
We appreciate all the comprehensive feedback you’ve given us so far.
Based on your feedback, we’ve put together some additional information.
Here you’ll find further details regarding the new settings.
Why handling time?
- Handling time is the period between receiving payment and handing the item over to a delivery service.
Our choice of handling time is based on thorough data analysis. For example, we looked at the actual time it takes for an item to go from point A to point B, and compared it to the stated availability of that item. Using this information, we were able to create different time categories that reflect the availability status of an item: Either the item is in stock, or the item needs to be procured (which includes “Item needs to be procured” and “Item available on request”).
Going forward, handling time will only include Monday through Saturday; Sundays are not included in handling time.
These modifications are based on the comprehensive data we gathered and analyzed for this purpose. We think these changes will better suit the needs of our buyers and dealers.
What about public holidays?
For technical reasons, it’s not possible to take country-specific holidays into account when calculating handling times. Thus, holidays are included in handling time. That’s why we’ve created a special next-day provision to help you better manage this discrepancy.
Next-Day Provision
Handling time begins on the day after payment has been made by the buyer. If, for example, the buyer pays for the item at 10 AM on Thursday, the handling time doesn’t begin until Friday; Saturday is the second day of the item’s handling time, Monday the third, etc. If that Monday happens to be a holiday, it nevertheless counts as part of the handling time.
Handling Time, Handled Fairly
We used comprehensive data analysis to design a new availability process that benefits you and your customers. This new procedure provides the highest possible level of transparency and more flexibility for both parties. As a dealer, you are no longer responsible for delivery delays caused by shipping service providers. Sundays do not count as handling time, nor does the day of payment by the buyer. In the latter instance, handling time only begins the following day.
Furthermore, handling time alone is not the only determining factor when it comes to your reputation as a dealer. Even if you happen to miss the handling time deadline you set in the listing, your ranking won’t immediately crash. As long as you continue to provide good service, follow the general marketplace rules, and maintain positive ratings, you have nothing to worry about. We value working with you, and want to do everything we can to help you sell successfully on our marketplace and satisfy your buyers.
Realistic Handling Times – The Key to Positive Ratings
We want to encourage you to select a handling time that corresponds to the item’s status, and not simply list every item as “on request” because you’re unsure about the handling time. B enter realistic handling times and send items on time, you and your customers will benefit from your reliability. Correct handling times are a prerequisite for calculating accurate delivery times – and generating positive ratings.
If shipping problems occur with an order, we’ll work together to find a solution.
Growing Together – We Want Your Feedback
We would like to thank all our dealers for their feedback. We really appreciate it! If you have more ideas, special requests, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will happily discuss a wide variety of suggestions internally and to try to implement them. We hope that with the new handling time, we’re creating a fairer and more reliable process for everyone. Furthermore, we want to hear from you about your needs, suggestions, and ideas.
Thanks again for your support!
We welcome your feedback! Please feel free to call or email your personal contact if you have any questions, or send us your feedback at dealer.feedback@chrono24.com.
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